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2024 Membership Application for
Kinsella Academy Family Association (KAFA) 

By checking this box, I understand that my family (13 years old and older with parental participation and supervision to be valid) will be expected to complete one mandatory volunteer shift at either Cream City Feis or Milwaukee Feis each year (April 1-March 31). In the event that my family cannot complete the mandatory volunteer shift at either feisanna, KAFA Board pre-approval will be necessary to fulfill the volunteer requirement at another KAFA supported event.

By checking this box, I understand that as representatives of KAFA, and by extension Kinsella Irish Dance, that all behavior must follow the ethical guidelines laid out in the KAFA bylaws and handbook.

By checking this box, I give Kinsella Academy Family Association permission to use photographs/video of the above listed with or without our names and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as, but not limited to, publicity, illustration, advertising and Web content.

By checking this box, I understand that KAFA member benefits may not be extended to my family if these volunteer requirements are not met each year. 

By checking this box, I understand that our membership in KAFA is terminated upon transferring to a different Irish dance school.

After submitting this form you will be taken to the payment screen for further information.


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